Reynolds Coliseum ACTUALLY sits on the site of old barns on NC State's campus. If you like abandoned venues, what about venues that have disappeared? Check out my Forgotten Fields posts on this website and Flickr. There are 5 (FIVE!) in Raleigh alone.

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!!!! I’m on it.

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Can confirm, sitting in the student section at Reynolds for the State v Carolina game was intense. Cool that NCSU still does Heritage games

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State should've played at Dorton if only because it looks impossibly cool.

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Unfortunately, it wasn't cool enough to keep the ice from going soft at Ice Caps games back in the day. But the scene of some legendary ECHL-level (meaning full-on) fights on the squishy ice! Hey, Jeremy, you old beer-leaguer...how about a piece on the minor-league teams of Tobacco Road?

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