thank you for this piece. many of your offerings are insightful and funny and informative but this one was also needed. thanks

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This was hard to read but really helped show the ripple effects of this awful event...even harder is contemplating how many communities suffer similarly. Thanks for sharing this excellent piece of reporting.

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Thank you for recounting the story of a shooting that happened at a school, rather than a school shooting. I am a Mount Tabor grad '71. Back in my day, there were gangs. But there wasn't drugs and guns involved. They roamed around on weekends looking to pick fights. No body went out alone on Saturday nights. We were always with our friends, cruising around. Thanks to the teachers who with cool heads managed a difficult time for everyone.

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Great article. However, "this school shooting was different from most" is simply not true. The mass slaughters which stick in our memory are a very small percentage compared to the more isolated/targeted school-related shootings such as this gang-related murder. (see: https://www.edweek.org/leadership/school-shootings-this-year-how-many-and-where/2022/01)

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Yeah, I hear that. I do think you're right; the most notorious shootings tend to be ranked by how grisly they are. But the fact that smaller acts of violence happen quite a bit more and don't get the news attention, but DO inflict a lot trauma on a lot of people... that's important to keep in mind too.

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